Vanilla and Godaddy hosting

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there, I have done a search and not found this information anywhere. Sorry if I have missed it. I'd be delighted if someone could point me in the right direction if I have. I am looking to installed Vanilla 1.1.4 on my website ( For now, I am installing in a folder ( just to try it out and get used to using it. While running the install, I got the following page. Vanilla Installation Wizard (Step 1 of 3) We came across some problems while checking your permissions... Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/snaxsnax/board/conf/database.php' configuration file. Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/snaxsnax/board/conf/extensions.php' configuration file. Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/snaxsnax/board/conf/language.php' configuration file. Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/snaxsnax/board/conf/settings.php' configuration file. Navigate the filesystem of your server to the Vanilla folder. Vanilla will need read AND write access to the conf folder. There are many ways to set these permissions. One way is to execute the following from the root Vanilla folder: chmod 777 ./conf You will also need to grant read access to the extensions, languages, setup, and themes folders. Typically these permissions are granted by default, but if not you can achieve them with the following commands: chmod -R 755 ./extensions chmod -R 755 ./languages chmod -R 755 ./setup chmod -R 755 ./themes I have changed the permissions of all the folders in /board (including conf obviously), but am still getting this page. This is my first time using Vanilla. I am not sure what to do or where to go to continue from here. I do not know how to "execute" the commands...not sure what program to use even. Any help is appreciated. I am using a windows vista laptop. The server is a windows server. Any other technical information you need, I'd be happy to provide. I love what I see from Vanilla, but am finding the install to be fairly difficult (this part anyway!) Thanks gang.


  • How have you changed the permissions?
  • using the file manager on the godaddy website. In my control panel there I am able to select a folder (or folders) and then change the permissions of the folder and/or the documents inside it. Once you change the permissions, a little icon appears beside the files for read access and write access, so I can confirm it changed the permission. I have tried a few different ways, but eventually decided to just make the whole /board folder have read and write, which it now does.
  • anyone? I would love to use vanilla and not have to switch to phpbb or something. I imagine that I'm not the only person who will have trouble with this and what is one of the key players in domains and hosting.
  • I frequent the Wordpress support forum and I've noticed a lot of threads that wp users have with installing wp on godaddy. You might want to look at some of the threads there to see how problems were resolved.
  • by the way, the solution (which I found by pure dumb luck and fooling around despite googling it to no end and asking here and a couple other places) is to simply switch it to linux from windows (which is free). good thing to pass on. thanks for the tries guys. on to step 2of 3! hopefully the rest will be smooth sailing.
  • hmm, now everything goes fine, so I enter in all the MySQL info with no errors...and...VOILA! 30 seconds or so clunk on by and... I get a blank white screen and the "Done" message at the bottom....but no step 3. no installation completed. clearly vanilla hates me. any tips? I've tried reinstalling from step one (it asks me to delete a couple files in /conf so I do), and it works until the same point where I get the same blank screen.
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