Windows Server OR Linux

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I was looking for a open source code forum and came a cross Vanilla. I'm test running Vanilla on a Windows server with mysql. I downloaded and installed it with not to many problems. I have lots of little glitches: 1. like having to use the PAGE MANAGER extension to redirect the discussion tab to Index.php 2. not being able to go to already posted discussion through listed categories, getting "This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed." error 3. Also Half of my extension that I installed do not work. I have been going though this forum looking for answers and the answers is usually deals with dropping or editing new code in different folder or running additional php attachments. on the flip side I have seen many people run vanilla on Linux servers not having the same problems. I guess my questions is if I run Vanilla on a Linux server will all these little issue go away and have the extension working OR is there little issues for everybody similar to mine when installing Vanilla on any type of server platform and I just have to work my way through it?


  • I h ave used (and do currently) Vanilla on both Windows (XP Pro) and Linux (Debian). Without a hitch... I would take a shot in the dark and say it has something to do with your particular setup (apache, php, mysql).

    I might guess there to be a small glitch here or there but it sounds like you got a ton of issues. What exactly are you running? And which versions? Also, a few extensions do not play well with others. Not sure which ones but I have seen posts of a few conflicting each other.
  • I'm thinking I'm not haivng problems with the database. Could you give me links to Apache & php setups (like a set-by-step) for vanillia for linux and/or windows. Thank You
  • Hmm, well for Windows its not so hard (dare I say) but for Linux it can be completely different depending on your distro. Is this for local testing, like on your machine or on a server? For Windows XAMPP is probably the simplest /easiest route. For installing them all separately you could try this Once you have a standard server setup install Vanilla and you shouldn't have too many issues. What are you currently using? Apache? Lighthttpd? Which version on PHP? 4? 5? I believe there are a few hacks needed to get Vanilla running on PHP 5 (don't recall, could be wrong)?
  • For Linux XAMPP is probably the simplest / easiest route.
  • Hmm, I was unaware they had XAMPP Linux. Although I really fail to see why, if you can navigate and install Linux you really should be able to install Apache/MySQL/PHP. :/ Either way good to know I guess.
  • Actually, navigating and installing Linux takes no technical expertise whatsoever. Fedora and Ubuntu (and probably some others) both have installers that are as easy to understand as Window's. As for 'navigating' it, I'm not sure what you mean. If you want to navigate through your files you just use a File Manager like every other OS. Which brings me onto the next point, people with no technical expertise will be able to install Apache, MySQL and PHP quite easily on Linux but configuring them is the real problem. I personally use XAMPP because I have no desire to wade through the config instructions when XAMPP will install them all and configure them in a suitable way as well as allowing you to easily setup the security settings if and when you want.
  • WEll did some digging...... I belive ther errors i'm getting is b/c i can not change the PERMISSION SETTINGS on the folder.
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