TWO installs on ONE server - cookie madness

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there! I've done a cursory search but didn't find any answers, so apologies if this has come up before. I have two installs on one server - one in the base directory and one in a sub-directory. Both are Vanilla 1.1.4. I found that when I logged into the founding account of the base install, I was automatically logged in to the founding account of the install in the sub directory - I should add that I host the sub-directory install for a friend and don't have the password for the founding account. Additionally, every now and then I get a "user not found" on the base install. I'm *guessing* that the two installs are sharing cookies. Any idea how I can rectify this? Thanks guys! ps. LOVE Vanilla!


  • I'd guess that you havent set the cookie path correctly on the subdir install. In Application Settings there are 2 fields for cookies - domain and path. Set both domains to "" and the paths to "/" for the main install and "/directory" for the subdir install.
  • Thanks Minisweeper, that seems to have done the trick!
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