// Discussions Table Structure $DatabaseColumns['Discussion']['Draft'] = 'Draft'; ?>

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Anybody able to help, please? I tried to add the BlogThis extenstion and since then, I receive this message when on the signon screen: // Discussions Table Structure $DatabaseColumns['Discussion']['Draft'] = 'Draft'; ?> The same happens on the signoff screen. Do I need to reinstall? :-( Thanks


  • edited February 2008
    Try disabling the extension first.
  • Thanks Fyorl, I did disable the extension, but am still getting the error :-( Do you think it was the extension causing the problem?
  • Could be, I'm really not sure what's causing the problem. I'll have to dig around in people.php but unless I can reproduce the error, it will be difficult to find a solution.
  • What are the contents of your people.php or related files?
  • The contents of people.php, I would think, should not have changed as there have been no new applicants before the error ocurred. The error would seem to relate to only the signin and out screens and the only change I have made recently is trying to add the BlogThis extension. I have disabled this extension and now deleted it (just in case) but the error persits. I have experienced problems with not being able to change the order in which categories are shown from the starts discussion ->choose category for a couple of weeks. Would this maybe have a bearing on this problem ? Thanks
  • edited February 2008
    Seen a bunch of these lately. Added to the bug tracker

    Take a look in the conf/database.php file. You will see the code that is getting displayed in there, just before it there will be a ?>. Remove those two characters wherever you see them, except for the pair at the very end, which should be on their own line.
  • edited February 2008
    Thanks WallPhone. Will have a go at fixing this evening. Will let you know how I get on! Edit: WallPhone, Many thanks. In the config/database.php file there was: // Comment Table Structure $DatabaseColumns['Comment']['BlogThis'] = 'BlogThis';?>// Discussions Table Structure $DatabaseColumns['Discussion']['Draft'] = 'Draft'; I have deleted this and there are no errors on the signin and signout screens. It's now taking ages for the forum to load and to sign in etc, but that's probably down to the server....
  • I wonder what's causing it. I know the Mootools extension had this issue because it was rewriting conf/extensions.php incorrectly but that was fixed and should never conceivably happen again.
  • edited February 2008
    Another Edit. Forum is not loading at all from the link. It wont go past the signing in screen, either.. I will have another look at the config/database.php file and do some amending... ***YET ANOTHER EDIT*** Ignore the above. It was to do with the default page settings. I tried the BlogThis extension and forgot to change the default page back after deleting! :-Z
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