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Users cannot sign in

I started a new Vanilla installation in order to perform a functionality test and am having a signin problem. Most people can sign in, but it seems that some people can't. They click the sign-in link, enter their un/password and are taken back to the main page. They do not get a notification, and are still in a "Signed out" state. Is this a known issue? Possibly some cookie / browser security base settings must be in place? Thank you!


  • Any links between the people who cant? ISP/Browser/OS/etc?
  • I'm getting the same or similar problem on my first test installation (on my localhost). I sign in with the admin name and password, hit Proceed, and get the Not Signed In page, with none of the admin options.
  • it seems something related to cookies settings
  • I'm not expert with cookies. Could it be because my local server wont handle / create them properly? I should add, remote Vanilla systems (like this one) work fine. I am using Safari 3.1.1 on a Mac OS 10.5.2
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