mysql tips on trouble shooting my painfully slow forum please

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
this week my forum crashed out totally with some kind of mysql failure.

there was some kind of restore link that was offered on my server so I clicked on that and got my forum back but it's now painfully slow.

I took a look at the most recent threads and there was nothing weird posted - crazy html etc

I also switched off "Whose Online" and "IP History" which managed to speed things up a little.
However I'd very much like to get to the bottom of this error and get my forum back to a sensible speed

I'd very much appreciate links to any troubleshooting tutorials



  • If you've got PHPMyAdmin you might be able to try optimizing all your tables. Just click the database then right at the bottom click 'Check all tables having overhead' then choose 'Optimize' from the drop-down menu.
  • I didn't know about that - thanks!
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