Adding User Properties

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I searched around but found nothing on this in the discussion forum... if someone has discussed it before, please let me know.

Problem : I need to add several properties to our Users. These properties are "Institution" "Address" and "Country"

Solution so far :
As a template I used Mark O'Sullivan's extension to add the "Extended Application Form 1" found here:

And here's what I'm doing so far:

I also added to the script the necessary columns to the USER table.

Now I need to extend the User class and add some properties to the User class so that I can reference these properties in my templates.

How can I do this?

Any pointers are very welcome.
Thank you,

ps here is my code so far:


  • edited February 2008
    Have you seen the "Predefined Attributes" extension? It seems to do what you want. Even if it doesn't exactly, it would probably be easier to hack it than to start a new extension from scratch.
  • You probably don't need to touch the user class much. If the user class doesn't automatically grab the new fields from the database then I'd be quite surprised. The raw data must be there somewhere. Even if that fails you can just perform an SQL query to grab the extra fields yourself.
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