read/unread css.

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i know you can change the background colors and such of the read/unread comments, but is there a way to change the font weight and color? my users are having trouble seeing the difference between read/unread comments. however, i enjoy how the color differences in read/unread comments makes the discussion page more subtle. I want to make the read disucssion title unbold and unread bold


  • edited February 2008
    li.DiscussionTopic a { font-weight: normal; } #Discussions li.NewComments ul li.DiscussionTopic a { font-weight: bold; }
  • ah thank you. but i actually meant New Comments and No new comments, not read/unread. Sorry, i don't know too much css.
  • Yup, I guessed. The above code should do what you want.
  • the above code makes the read/unread comments bold/unbold, not the new, no new.
  • read = not new
    unread = new

    Same difference ain't it?!
  • no its not, read means threads you read before, but if theres a new comment in a thread u read before, its different. Vanilla differentiates the two.
  • Yes I know, that's how it works, whether you've read comments in that thread before or not, UNREAD = NEW = UNREAD.

    Posted: Tuesday, 12 February 2008 at 6:28PM

  • No, you're right. My apologies, Vanilla does provide the NewComments and NoNewComments class. I've edited my first post.
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