Recovering deleted discussion

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How would I go about this? I've deleted a thread that I didn't mean too. I was cleaning up spam on my forum made by a couple of mates and there was a genuine discussion that was on page two and all that page was spam so I thought that was the whole post.


  • If you give your role the permission to view deleted discussions you can go and find it and undelete it.
  • Thats the thing. I have that settting on but I see no posts with [deleted] tag. Is there a way to search for them/?
  • Well if you do a normal topic search they should come up.
  • Were they deleted using the pretend [hide] method or the real [extension: remove comments] way?
  • Pretty sure the pretend hide way.. Just normal "delete discussion" on the left bar that some with standard vanilla I done a search and its not showing up :(
  • Go to your account tab, preferences, and make sure the 'show deleted' boxes are checked.
  • Like so? Still not there.
  • I have the same problem. I cannot see deleted discussions even with appropriate permissions. Ideas?
  • image

    You need the correct option in Roles & Permissions as you posted above, but you also need to set these options in your Forum Preferences on the Account page.
  • yep that did it for me.. thanks
This discussion has been closed.