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LUM-IPhistory and who's online table error?

edited November 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
my forum seized a short while ago with this message: Error Message An error occurred while logging user data. Affected Elements WhosOnline.UpdateGuestLastActive(); The error occurred on or near: Duplicate entry '1377408' for key 1 .............................. I questioned the site host about this and they looked into it and came back to me with this answer and the forum started again. What do people think please? "The scripts running on the site were attempting to insert a record with the primary key 1377408 when this already existed. I have repaired the table in question which should have resolved the primary key issue. However the LUM_IpHistory table contains over 1.3 million individual records (since January 2007), therefore it appears that there may be a script problem causing these to not be removed, as it is not normally required to log session history to this level. This table appears to be causing slow queries on each page and some connections to hang, and this may be responsible for the corrupution of the primary key. We would generally advise looking into clearing this table if possible, however it would be wise to check whether this will impact the integrity of the rest of the database." Could it because I'm running two versions of Vanilla on the same database?


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    these two addons slow down my forum quite a lot too
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    Yeah so far as I'm aware the IpHistory table never clears itself. How many users/active do you have?
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    edited November 2008
    4000 or so. I now clear it about every six weeks but i have to reset the statistics stsrt date each time as this resets to zero!
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