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User roles gone after backup and restore

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I wonder whether anyone here can think of an explanation for the following problem which, frankly, leaves me slightly baffled: Last night, after some maintenance gone wrong, I restored Vanilla from a backup I had naturally made right before. Everything works, with two exceptions: all users lost the roles they had assigned to them, as far as these roles were self-defined (in other words, additional to the roles that already exist in a fresh Vanilla installation), and all links to avatar and profile pictures were lost. I use J!Vanilla 1.0.3 and had two database backups - one of the complete Joomla!-database including the LUM_ tables, and an export of the LUM_s only. The problem occurs with both. What is further confusing me is that when, after re-assigning some user roles from within Vanilla, I look at LUM_User, it still contains only RoleID values between 0 and 4, although I have a total of 10 user roles (which do show with RoleIDs from 1 to 10 in LUM_Role), and the re-assigned ones do show up in the user profiles in Vanilla. What am I overlooking? Where are these roles stored? Confused Volkhart
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