non-object error

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am trying to edit a discussion I started because when I copy in the text in to save it, all the formatting gets killed the characters are all printed out in one long paragraph. I go in and fix it and when I select the button to save, All the formatting I just did gets erased again, and it gives these three notices:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/forum/extensions/CategoryRoles/default.php on line 139

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/forum/extensions/SubCategories/default.php on line 389

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/forum/extensions/SubCategories/default.php on line 390

Anybody have any idea where I should start looking to fix this? I tried playing with the roles and such, but I was logged in as the administrator so it shouldn't matter.
I don't know what a non-object is, but I know it is above me!
Thanks for your suggestions!


  • all the formatting gets killed the characters are all printed out in one long paragraph

    This to me is quite the usual behaviour of some formatters, which one do you use?

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object...

    The $comment_grid object seems to be the one not defined (common in those three lines). Try to tell the maintainers of CategoryRoles and SubCategories.
  • edited March 2008
    Sorry, I don't use FCKeditor. You should tell this kind of important detail when reporting problems.
    This is what a comment grid is.

    So you're Japanese? I just went back into Go last month. I played during 2-3 years ten years ago. Now it's a pleasure to play again. Do you play?
  • edited March 2008
    I think the problem was I did not enter a "discussion topic" when I started the discussion so it gave the errors, not sure though. I guess I need to play with it a little more.

    I am not Japanese, I just live in Japan. Not a Go player either. Actually, I would really like to learn mahjong or the Chinese game Pai Gow. I saw Pai Gow in a movie one time, and it looked really fun.
  • Omitting the topic shouldn't produce an error, but a graceful notice, asking you to try again.
    Try to restart from a fresh install only with CategoryRoles and SubCategories. Test a bit omitting the topic. If it fails, you should post in the relevant extension(s) discussion(s).
    If it doesn't, then install FCKeditor. If it fails, post in FCKeditor's discussion.

    Good luck !

    note: I'll unwhisper my previous whispered comment, and encourage you to do so.
This discussion has been closed.