Auto text formatting selector

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
someone should make a text formatter that automatically selects between text and html and possibly bbcode. I only say this because sometimes I need html, and sometimes I need plain text.


  • The problem with that is if you want to show someone some HTML. If you type it into your post, it will automatically select the HTML formatter and you won't be able to show the example.
  • edited March 2008
    then you would override it by selecting text rather than auto... EDIT: it would be like its own formatter, not something that prevents you from choosing a formatter and picks one for you, it would be like: text, html, bbcode, or auto(recomended).
  • edited February 2008
    /me envisions something like: Format comments as ( ) Text ( ) Html ( ) BBCode (0) Auto-detect edit: (boy, I should have read the whole thread before posting...)
  • yes, exactly!
  • edited February 2008
    Sounds like a good idea
  • I like this [b]very[/b] much too !
  • there would need to be some configuration to the extension. like for it to know which formatters to choose from and what type of formatter it is. (doesn't the extended text formatter "hide" the text formatter and replace it with its own? the extension would need to be configured so as to not automatically choose the default text formatter.)
  • and it should implement DefaultFormatter. so if you choose a different formatter for one comment, it will bump you back to auto every time. any chance of someone taking this on?
  • *bump*
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