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Can Vanilla allow guests to start a new discussion?

edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I just installed vanilla and I think it's sweet. I want to allow guest to start a discussion without login, but I found out that there isn't such option in vanilla. any idea how can I do this?


  • mark, does this repeated request warrant an enhancement bug to include some in-built "guest/anon" account that's locked down and stripped of some basic rights post-wise (html & nasties) for those who wish to run an open forum? I suppose this could be an extension once you work the system out more.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2005
    I've discussed this before here on the community forum... "vanilla was written with anti-spam and security in mind. An open board like that would get pulverized with crap from every kind of internet moron there is: advertisers, bots, script kiddies, etc." You can, of course, write an extension to allow non-members to post. You'd have to add some things to the comment form like name and email address (optional) intputs, and you'd have to add those columns to the database and make sure they save. But *I* won't be making that an option in Vanilla.
  • perhaps as an extension then for all the better. I'll leave this one open.
This discussion has been closed.