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'safe' settings page

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
there should be a 'safe' settings page that doesn't show up as a tab, and is just like the normal settings page, but doesn't reference any extensions. so when an extension completely and unexpectedly blows up your forum, you can disable it with out having to delete its default.php, and then replace it with a blank one to get rid of the errors on the extensions settings page (and then uncheck its box and delete the blank default.php) kind of like 'safe mode' in windows.


  • Options
    No need to replace default.php files by blank ones. You can manually disable all extensions commenting
    // INCLUDE EXTENSIONS include($Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'].'conf/extensions.php'); in /appg/init_vanilla.php.
    This is if the settings page is a total mess (well you're talking about a BIG mess here), but I think that you can often untick extensions one by one in case of 'normal' mess.

    Now this can't be done as an extension since it must act before the extension include statement. In French: "the snake bites its tail".
    If it's a request, it's a core request to me.
  • Options
    You can also go into conf/extensions.php and remove the line to the extension's default.php to manually remove the extension.
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