does anyone have time on their hands to make an addon?

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
does anyone have time on their hands to make an addon? cuz if you do i have a good idea so if you have time let me know thanks


  • if you gave some details I'm sure you would get a better response
  • I was going to say the same thing.
  • yeah ok i will: i thought it would be cool to have an extension that would gather all the extra pages that each different extension add and puts them all under one tab called like 'Apps' there would be an page like the category page, except instead of the categories there would be links to different things like : contact me news blog light gallery friends people member list etc. and each time you install a new page like that it would go on this application page i have something like this made with page manager i just wanted a better one so if someone made it it would be awesome thanks
  • sounds interesting, but unfortunately I just started working with Vanilla and it is beyond my current ability.
  • oh alright well whenever you get to the correct level just go for it if someone else has not by then thanks ^_^
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