FlipBool with bitwise operators
function FlipBool($Bool) {
$Bool = ForceBool($Bool, 0);
return $Bool?0:1;
function FlipBool($Bool) {
$Bool = ForceBool($Bool, 0);
return $Bool ^ 1;
The performance gains will be huge! I say this patch be added to the core post-haste.
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it's actually quite logical, in part because negative numbers are the same distance from 0 as their positive counter-parts. converting between positive and negative values is interesting: (a is 8 bits)
-a = 0 - a = 1111 1111 + 1 - a = (1111 1111 - a) + 1 = ~a + 1
and allows computers to easily subtract numbers: a - b can be seen as a + ~b + 1
and logical not (!) would probably be a better operator to use the the boolean not.