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A couple of help questions

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi guys, I run a website/forum called It is set up to be a community of people trading/selling ammunition components and reloading gear. The users have a couple of complaints and I was hoping I might get some help here. The nature of the forum requires users to provide feedback on one another to keep the bad seeds out. The only way I could think to do it was to create a transaction feedback category. This worked out OK in the beginning but now it is getting cumbersome and it is eating up the space on the first page when you log in. So I have two questions. Is there any way from keeping that category from appearing on the main page but still have it accessible to users through the categories tab? I have not been able to find an extension that does this, and it would solve the first question, but is there an extension that would let users provide feedback on other users? Maybe so it shows up under their names in postings...maybe like a 5 star system and users could just rate another user, 1-5 stars, and the system would average out all the ratings and post that under the users name? Even something as simple as a + or - system...the system would just add up the number of + or - ratings have received and show that, i.e. 5+/1-. Thanks for any input and help.


  • Options
    If you go onto the categories tab and click 'block category' it stops it appearing on the all discussions page. I dont think there's a (easy) way to do this for all users but you could urge your users to do so if they want to tidy things up. As for ratings, there is the poll and vote systems but I'm not sure if either are appropriate. Or maybe 'thankful people' for a good/not good type system.
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