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Vanilla / Joomla Bridge doesn't appear to be working?

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi - I'm looking forward to using Vanilla on my site to help my users communicate....they're begging to have is setup/work - but my RTFM is not helping? Setup: CentOS system running Joomla 1.0.13 I've installed J!Vanilla V1.1.4RC1 and the J!Vanilla Login Module from and as the administrator, can create Categories, start new discussions, respond to discussions, etc. But none of the users can? When they get to the area, they can read it (just like someone can even if not logged in - which is what I would like)...but even when they're logged into the Joomla site; when they go to the Vanilla Forums area it says 'Not Logged in' in the title area. When I click on 'Sign In' and supply a known good Joomla user name - comes back as not found? When I check the MySQL database and browse the 'LUM_User' table, I see that all of my Joomla users are carried over...with UserID/Names/Passwords.....but it just doesn't work? Help!? Thanks


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    Can someone please provide any additional info about the Bridge component? Like author/group contact.....and any documentation that may be found for it? Thanks - dave
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    What is the RoleID of the users in the table? Maybe they don't have 'can sign in' permission? I guess this is the author: Carlos Guimaraes sekmet at open4g dot com
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    Ahh....good idea. It appears that the 'Admins' of the Joomla site are RoleID 4.....while the normal users alternate with either a '3' (those that have activated their accounts) or a '0' (those that have not activated their accounts). My 'test normal user' account has a RoleID of '3'.....and when I try to manually sign in, I get the following errors at the top: Notice: Undefined index: b3c69f043ed3075d41d83a18c51cb255 in /var/www/html/ on line 38 Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/html/ on line 41 With the login box below it.....when I stick the correct info into the boxes, I get a: Some problems were encountered The requested user could not be found. But I know the user is there, I just saw the into in the table 'LUM_User' ??? Thx! - Dave
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    Any updates on this?
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    Justed downloaded the login module and published it to my front page. Used it o log in and it logged me in to the site and into the forum. I read another post here about this but no answers on why the login module works and not the login box integrated with the component.
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    replaced the standard Joomla login module with the Vanilla module and all of my testing works fine. No the question is how do you get he user to login using the module and not go directly to the forums page and get teh following error? Notice: Undefined index: 8a295dc9f0f499fd9ab58e3212573e59 in /........./Forums/library/People/People.Class.Joomla10x.Authenticator.php on line 38 Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /......./Forums/library/People/People.Class.Joomla10x.Authenticator.php on line 41 (i replaced the path with the .....)
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