Using Current User Information?

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I set up the forum about a month ago, but now I am wishing I would have thought of this earlier. Basically I have a website with registered users. Is it at all possible to take the same user information from my mysql database for the site, and use it for the forum? That way when someone signs up for an account through my website, it will automatically register them with the forum as well? Not sure if this is possible, or if it would cause a conflict in having people sign up on the forum then having access to my website registration. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you.


  • edited March 2008
    Yup it's possible. Either you can write a script to copy over the existing information into the Vanilla table and then setup your registration script to also add the appropriate rows to the Vanilla table or you can modify your registration system to work off the Vanilla table.
  • Ok. I'd like to go with the first, and copy my existing information over. I see what you are saying about the registration. Would I then just make sure that it sends the username and password fields to both databases? Copying over the current info isn't a huge deal, I just want to make sure I set everything up right so that from here on out people get registered with both. Thanks!
  • The second option is more preferable as it means any changes a user makes on the forum will be reflected throughout the rest of the site too. If that's not an issue for you then for the first option you'll need to send more than just the username and password fields to the database. There are a bunch of other fields in the table. A lot of them don't need to be filled in but a few of them do. Also, if you're granting instant-access (i.e. There's no need for you to approve members) you need to add a row to the Row History table too. It sounds a little complicated but it only boils down to a few bits of information. I've done something similar before. I'll try to find the code that I used but I can't guarantee anything.
  • Alright, I'd appreciate that! I noticed that with the information that would need to be sent along with username and password and was wondering how I'd work around it.
  • What do I need to make sure to include during submission to send to the database to register the person?
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