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total noob here, please help

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
ok, so i am trying to start a forum that looks just like this one using the vanilla software. the only problem is that i do not have the slightest idea about web hosting, or where i need to go to learn how to install the necessary software to run vanilla. i really just have no clue. so if you could please help me, it would be greatly appreciated. talk to me like i have no idea what i'm doing, because i don't! thanks!


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    Josh mate,
    The first thing you need is somewhere to host the forum.
    I have no idea where you are, and people may suggest other cheaper hosting services but this one works for me:

    Something else you should do is register a domain name for yourself, the link above has a field for you to check if your choice is available.

    After you do these two steps the rest is basic click and follow your nose stuff but there's a few concepts you'll need to come to grips with.

    That's all for today's lesson, use some initiative and do some research, the journey is very rewarding if you are truly set on this project.
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