a necessary tool for a vanilla forum

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
a necessary tool for a vanilla forum: I need to have like a drop down menu that you can add applications in it like: if we had a calender, the friends page, the members page, the to do list page, etc either that or have a tab called like apps and when you click on it it goes to a page like the category page except there is a new category application link for every app you have installed


  • each extension would have to do this on its own ... they usually add their own tab
  • Like yes, like you could make a tab to like do this. :-)
  • edited March 2008
    Off-hand, the only way I see this working is to re-write the core Menu class/control, such that when an extension calls the "AddTab" function, the NewMenu class creates a drop down menu, instead of a Tab.
  • yes that would be cool or if you just have an apps page and when you install a new application .. it adds it to the app page
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