Change private messaging "inbox" tab to japanese
I am trying to get my forum up and running, but having some problems. I am using the private messaging add-on, but I want to change on the tab where it says "Inbox" into Japanese. Since "private messages" is an add-on, you can not change the language in the conf/language.php right? I have all the japanese plugins and database set up to utf-8 and such, and everything else is working great, I just need how I should go about changing it in the add-on without mucking up the way it works? I know that I can really mess up the inner-workings if I just start sticking Japanese into the configuration files! Any thoughts?
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cut / paste those to the japanese language file, and translate it. It will override whatever the extension had before.
P.S. you may need to clear your browser's cache
Am I missing something?
Thanks for your help.
$Context->Dictionary['PrivateMessagesTab'] = 'Inbox';
$Context->Dictionary['SendPrivateMessage'] = 'Send private message';
$Context->Dictionary['PrivateMessages'] = 'Private Messages';
$Context->Dictionary['Inbox'] = 'Inbox';
$Context->Dictionary['Inbox'] = 'myvalue';
and then I tried just
$Context->Dictionary['PrivateMessagesTab'] = 'myvalue';
then I tried both
$Context->Dictionary['Inbox'] = 'myvalue';
$Context->Dictionary['PrivateMessagesTab'] = 'myvalue';
I tried these combinations in the English language file, the Japanese language file, and also in the conf/language file.
I erased the browsers cache and even switched browsers and still no change.
I then tried
$Context->Dictionary['PrivateMessagesTab'] = 'inbox';
$Context->Dictionary['Inbox'] = 'myvalue';
and that didn't work either.
Any other ideas?
Now that I think about it, yeah, shouldn't the conf/language file override everything? I had to put the translated files in the Japanese language files, why don't they work in the conf/language file?