Restricting categories

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Unsure about where to put this one, but I'm sure a mod will move it where it belongs if need be. I'm wondering if it's possible to create a category that members can comment in, but not start discussions in, while retaining their rights to start discussions elsewhere. An example of this could be a category with site news or similar. Only admins would be able to start discussions there, but still want to get feedback from the users. As far as I can see, a user can only have one role, thus having access to everything given that the category allows that role to participate. As I interpret participation, also means commenting and/or starting new discussions. Did that make sense at all? :)


  • Yep, there's the ever popular Category Roles. You can whether specify whether a given role can (a) see/read the category, (b) comment in the category, and (c) start a new discussion in the category.

    One issue, though, is that Category Roles establishes a hierarchy of roles. In other words, it establishes a "minimum" role for each permission, with all "higher" roles automatically granted permission as well. For finer control you need something else... like my soon-to-be released Groups extension... which I'm still working on... really, I'm going to finish it... one of these days...
  • I will sit back and quietly await the arrival of the, by now, already legendary Groups extension :)
  • will that do what you need? I didn't realize the groups addon was getting so awesome!
  • It will do what I need, but I would like to do away with any kind of hierarchy and just be able to put a check mark in a given category, specifying which roles can only comment. Or turn it the other way around and close the category, but open up for commenting for one role and posting new discussions for another.
  • that's what the category roles extension does
  • Excellent, I'll give it a try.
This discussion has been closed.