Search Open, Everything Else Closed?

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Ok, I'm having a problem having an autenticated RSS feed (which piggybacks off of the search.php page) for logged out users.

Before everyone tells me to go to FeedPublisher's plugin forum page, hear me out.

The issue is that our forum is closed since it's an internal company solution. Since the FeedPublisher add-on piggybacks off the search.php page, it obviously wants people logged in. Any anonymous users (who are not logged in) are immediately redirected to the login (people.php) page. Of course, feed readers don't understand this and are expecting a standard username/password challenge.

According to the developer for FeedPublisher, it should work as intended, but nobody else is actually reporting how they got it to work with authenticated feeds (or anonymous, non-logged in users) for that matter. In its default state, it currently only works for users who are logged in via cookie/session.

Is there any way to bypass the login check/redirect for just the search.php page without opening up the rest of the forum?



  • Fast fix: comment out line 21 of search.php. You may want to incorporate some other kind of authentication or firewall or something, since one who has access to search.php essentially has access to the whole forum.
  • I think he wants to make it into an rss authentication. (username/pw to get the rss feed; I've only heard about these a few times, and I know google reader doesn't support them)
  • edited March 2008
    @fysicsluvr, correct, and we'll only support those readers that do support HTTP authentication for RSS feeds for our employees. The rest, well, they're SOL. :) @WallPhone, if the rest of the site does check to see if they're logged in, wouldn't people just be redirected to log in when they click on any one of the results? I can't imagine only commenting out this line from the search.php would affect how the detection/redirection works across the rest of the forum. I may be wrong... Also, if I comment out line 21 of search.php (the include("appg/init_vanilla.php"); line), nothing happens :) Commenting out line 26 ( $Context->Session->Check($Context); ) doesn't prevent the redirect either. Hmmmm.
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