eeek, can't find header image-map code?

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Ok, I neeeed some help! I was trying to update my vanilla site…..its been a year since I messed with it. I have searched and could not find the document that contains the header’s image-map link code. I just need to change one of the image-maps hyperlinks. My site is . Thank you!!!


  • do you have nuggets enabled right?
  • yes, I do have nuggets enabled...but the header image-map code is not in a nugget. The nuggets are a recent addition. I don't remember what file the header image-map code is in.. Thanks!
  • you could try in menu.php, but looking at your site with firebug says that the div containing the image-map is related somehow to nuggets :S
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