Speaking of "Who's Online"...

edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
It would be cool if you could add dknowles' "Who's Online" extension to both the core and to this site. I've grown so accustomed to be able to see who is online on my site, that it almost feels like no one is around here. Anyway, I just feel like it helps foster community, that's all. Just a suggestion. :)


  • Can you chose whether or not to see the "Who's Online" panel? I can't say I would use it often, but it would be cool to have around here. As for it being in core. I don't think so. Keep the core noce and simple, and have all of these nifty extras kept as contributed extensions.
  • edited August 2005
    Yeah, it adds an option in the forum preferences.

    And I'll second the vote for keeping it out of the core.
  • If it does add the prefernce, I have no objection to it being on this site.
  • Yeah, it definitely does. I verified on my site. Each user has the option to hide the extension in the panel.
  • I'm sorry, when I say "core", I mean that it should be packed in as one of the default extensions that you can enable (like BBCode and such).
  • I think mark is taking all the extensions out of releases starting with the next version. (except maybe whispers?)
  • I see. That would make sense.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yeah - all extensions will be gone, but the extension form will have the ability of pinging back to the lussumo server for "lussumo approved" extensions (and updates).
  • mark what if you did a test: enable the extension here, and then see how much of a performance hit the site takes, if any?
  • I'm not sure its performance issues that's 'forcing' mark to take stuff out the core and not include any default extensions, more his burning desire to make this entire forum just about as simple as the traditional 'hello world' programs; which i agree with entirely. I'm still on the hunt for a client management app which does what i want and not 100x more. At this rate i'm gonna have to do something myself (insane, isnt it?!) When i'm a millionaire i'm gonna hire mark to sit in a cupboard and bust out a series of kickass opensource apps to take over the world.
  • spankin' new from lussumo! introducing Lussumo Usurp, the definitive toolkit for enabling all of your pro-global plans! Usurp has an outright motherlode of features useful for all of your world-conquering needs: - undermine goverment authority and influence popular culture with Usurp's BROADCAST COOL feature. - Usurp OLIVE BRANCH will promote global uninhibited communication between warring factions to bring peace between them focus their attention on the real enemy: existing governments! - Usurp features Lussumo's legendary reliabilty and speed, providing agents of your takeover the access they need when they need it most! and included free of charge, Lussumo Usurp has exclusive BLACK MAGIC­­™ technology woven directly into the codebase, so theft of information falls instantly to zero as would-be theives' brains freeze and then melt to mush! no, i'm not bored at all. i've got TONS of things to do with my time.
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