Care to lend a hand?

edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello World,

I am building a new website, and I really suck at css. The XHTML is not really a problem. I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand.

I have included TWO graphical represents what I am after. They are NOT scaled diagrams, that is actually how big I would actually like the site.

If anyone (or multiple) people lend a hand, the they will get credit on the site.

Well, here are the pics:


These are PNG graphics and I know that there are some tranparency rendering issues with IE, so I will post gifs on request.

Thanks to anyone who spends any time on this. It is much appreciated.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    So, have you done the xhtml yet?
  • well.... not as yet. What would you propose as being the best way to approoach it. For: Index layout (top one), would you use the entire graphics as a div background and then float stuff on top? or, would you create three seperate divs and float them left? Would you even use float? The same sort of goes with the general layout. If I had this sort of direction I could get cracking on the layout.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Personally, try to avoid floats altogether - sadly, I find them to be a necessary evil at times. Do you want it left-aligned? or centered?
  • centered. what I would really like it vertical centering also, but I have tried a few methods and all stuff up in IE.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Okay - if you want it centered, you're going to have to float it. As for the xhtml, I don't know. I've been trying to get away from thinking about design when doing xhtml, and instead trying to focus on how the xhtml should be formed as if the document were to be displayed without a stylesheet. Then use css to make it do what you want. So, essentially, use an unordered list for your menu, definition list tags for your project title/description list, and paragraph tags for the rest. hahaha - I know, it sounds dumb. But I think that's what people are supposed to be doing now. But who knows, I'll probably be told that I'm right by three people and told that I'm wrong by ten. It's a wacky world wide web.
  • I am a member of the web standards group, and that is what you are suppossed to do. Design it like it was not styled and then style it. At least that is what I am told. Here is how I would write the code for the index page. Please tell me if you aggree. - Have a container div for the entire site (so we can center it later) - Have three other nested divs for the three columns (so we can float them) - Unordered list for the right nav. (we can sprite this later). - Maybe even an unordered list for those little buttons. I think that is how is should be done. What do you think? Similar concept for the general layout. As you say. It is likely to change in the next 10 mins or so. everything changes so quickly.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That sounds like a solid plan to me.
  • I'll get on that tonight. Maybe then, with a solid structure, someone might be able to lend a hand with the actual css. Thanks for your advice mark.
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