Anyone got a bit of free time...?

edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
If anyone's bored and looking for something to do (obviously noone round here works or has lives or anything silly like that), they're more than welcome to make me a html invoice template.. Any takers?


  • Like omg in this day in age you Google it.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    google is this neat search engine that gives you great results.
  • Damn I lost that link for the "Google it you moron" animated gif.

  • what exactly would i be googling for though? I want a template making not the answer to the meaning of life...
  • before google it you moron, i prefer
  • i still dont get it.
  • edited August 2005
  • Well yeah but i didnt want something quite so standard. Anyone would think i was asking for free stuff, jesus! I'll have a dig though. Can anyone recommend any decent opensource customer management type software? I noticed has some interesting stuff but i'm curious for personal recommendations?
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited August 2005
    are you talking financially as in ? {edit, blinksale's def. not free!}
  • yeah, it does look very nice but if you hadnt noticed i'm down with the free stuff brigade.
  • I was planning on making one, but that has had to take the back seat as work is so busy.
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