Chocolate Category Page

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
this is an idea for a modification for category page here is another idea a modification or addon that is for the category page it shows the latest post in the topic and the person who posted the category would be a different color if there is a new post in that category also if a person has sub category enabled the sub categories that are under it should show up under the description confused yet?


  • nice idea, I'll think about it, but don't promise anything ;)
  • edited March 2008
    different category colors; like what's done for discussions with new comments?

    It should be a new color if there's a new discussion in the category; not necessarily if there's a new comment in a discussion in the category.

    The subcategories should be under the parent category, and "tabbed over" (don't know what else to call it)

    Be sure to make sure it works for sub-subcategories (2 tabs over, not just one) and sub-sub-subcategories, etc.
  • the sub -cat should work yes, and in addition to it working it should have a link to all the dub categories under the category under the description of the category i dunno whether a post should change the color of the category or not.. i dunno so i guess now the category should have 3 colors.... blocked, unblocked, new right?
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