password meter

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
has anyone considered making a password meter?

I found a good one at I found it on lifehacker
It's downloadable from the same site.

All you would need to do is skin it to fit a themed install of vanilla (icons, colors, etc.), and get it onto the member application form. (maybe with a "why?" link that goes to the page w/ the details)

It uses a point system, but doesn't consider the username. It should lose like 10 points for the password being the same as the username (but it doesn't).


  • that is a pretty cool idea i like the site it is cool ^_^
  • I think anyone needing such a gadget to pick a password is too stupid to be let loose using a computer.

    This is a gadget, a mere toy it has no real use, especially if you are able to ignore it and use your dog's name as your password anyway.

    Hey Hamed mate, is there any add-on that you would consider NOT cool?
  • good point; I just have always liked smashing the keyboard and seeing how it rates it as a password.
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