Remove all posts by certain user?

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, My forum occasionally gets human users who manually post 8 or 9 spam comments. I would like to be able to ban or delete the user and remove all his posts. Is there a fast way to do this with Vanilla? Thanks!


  • Try the user removal extension.
  • Sorry, I already tried this: and it doesn't work.
  • The UserRemoval Addon removes the user, and only the user. (It does it very hastily, and doesn't delete any of the posts, etc. so you're left with a big mess if they were an actual user)
  • Could you give a link to the extension you are mentioning? I can only find the one I linked to above, and it simply doesn't work when I try to remove the user.
  • No, that's it; and you're right, it doesn't do what you want.

    From the description:
    Keep in mind that the removal of users can mess up your database and forum. Use this function with care. In many cases it might be better to set the users role to "Banned".
  • Hmmm, this would be an important extension to get fixed, in my opinion. Thanks!
  • This comment shows you just how lengthy the manual deletion can be. Someone needs to merge the CommentRemoval and the DeleteUser addons, to make a super deletion machine. (perhaps also looking for extension-specific data such as for Attachments)
  • Yes, yes, yes, that was my very first request when I started with Vanilla.

    CommentRemoval works a treat but that caution in the ReadMe for DeleteUser always worried me and I never tested it. I delete users manually using MyPHP Admin.
  • (you mean PHP MyAdmin, right?) you still have to delete everything posted by the user, etc., as described here.
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