what extentions are you using?
i was wondering what extensions are you using?
i don't have all of the extensions enabled (most of the big ones.. i do have enabled)
so i was wondering which ones you used and what they did
cuz there might have been a good extension that i have not seen all this time.. just cuz i dunno.. i just may not have seen it
if you do not want to post it
you don't have to
i don't have all of the extensions enabled (most of the big ones.. i do have enabled)
so i was wondering which ones you used and what they did
cuz there might have been a good extension that i have not seen all this time.. just cuz i dunno.. i just may not have seen it
if you do not want to post it
you don't have to
This discussion has been closed.
Account Pictures 1.2 Maurice Krijtenberg www.krijtenberg.nl
Allows users to upload their icon and account picture to their profile.
Add Comments 1.2 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
Adds the "Add Comments" form to the page for unauthenticated users, along with a username and password input, allowing users who have not yet signed in to do so and post a message at the same time.
AddMember 1.0 MightyMango lussumo.com/addons
Allows an administrator to add members directly without having to use the 'Apply for membership' link on the front page.
Applicant Discovery 1.2 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
Adds a "How did you discover this forum" question to the application form. [I've modded the "how did you...." to be more relevant to the forum.]
Applicant Email Verification 0.4.2.b Dinoboff getvanilla.com
Add a verification of the email to registration.
Applicant Icons 1.0 Fyorl soul-scape.com
Allows you to set default role icons for Applicants
ApplicantsIP 0.1.0 Christophe Gragnic (Grahack) lussumo.com
Checks IP duplicates among new applicants.
Attachments 2.1 Maurice (Jazzman) Krijtenberg www.krijtenberg.nl
Allows users to attach files to their comments.
AutoP v5 Luke "[-Stash-]" Scammell lussumo.com/addons/?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=235
Automatically formats paragraphs and new lines using valid XHTML.
Bookmark Stickies 1.0 WallPhone lussumo.com/addons
Places user's bookmarks on top of their discussion grid.
CAPTCHA 0.2.1a Edward Eliot, adapted to vanilla by Dinoboff www.ejeliot.com
Add a CAPTCHA to the registration form.
Category Jumper 1.0 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
A simple plugin that places a category dropdown in the control panel on the discussion page allowing for fast jumping between categories
CategoryRoles 0.6 Max Barel lussumo.com/addons/?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=230
Add a way to define distinct roles level for adding comment and opening a new discussion in a given category.
CleverEdit 0.1.1 Adam Dunkley webality.co.uk
Stops multi-posting by updating previous comment by author instead of creating a new one, also resolves problems of old posts being sabotaged by timing out comment editing after a given expiry
Collapsible Panel 2.4 Fyorl soul-scape.com
Allows users to collapse and open their panel items. Their configuration is automatically saved to their cookies.
Comment Removal 2.1.2 SirNotAppearingOnThisForum lussumo.com/addons
Allows users to actually delete comments and discussions instead of merely hiding them.
Duplicate Email Check 1.0 WallPhone lussumo.com/addons/index.php?PostBackAction=Search&Keywords=DuplicateEmailCheck
Prevents users from registering duplicate accounts with the same email address.
Extended Application Form 1.0 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
Extends the application form so that the user's first and last name are required. It also checks that the user actually clicked to read the Terms of Service.
Extended Text Formatter 1.2 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
Extends the text formatter to make it replace /me and autolink urls.
Forced Category 1.0 WallPhone lussumo.com/community/discussion/3811/must-choose-a-category
Forces users to select an appropriate category before allowing a discussion to post. [kinda buggy]
Guest Welcome Message 3.0 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
Adds a welcome message to the panel if the person viewing the forum doesn't have an active session.
Hide Success 1.0 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/addons
Makes "Your changes were saved" messages disappear with a shrink effect after a moment.
Honeypot 0.1 (Beta) mightymango lussumo.com/addons
Add a 'Honeypot Captcha' to the 'Apply for membership' form.
IP History 1.0.1 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
Adds a complete summary of all IP addresses a user has ever had (and who has shared those IP addresses) to their profile. Note: you must have IP logging turned on in order to record and display this data.
Latest Posts Integration 1.1 Ivan Weiler a.k.a. Scip lussumo.com/community/discussion/3848/latest-posts-integration
Integrate latest forum posts into your web page. [haven't tried integrating anything yet]
Legends 1.0 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
Adds legends to the panel for the discussion, search, and category pages.
Live Discussions 1.7 Fyorl soul-scape.com
Allows users to have discussions and comments update via Ajax instead of refreshing the page
Markdown 1.1.2 Michel Fortin (PHP Version), John Gruber (Original Markdown) www.michelf.com/projects/php-markdown
A text-to-HTML conversion tool for discussion comments. [formatter]
Mootools 1.8 Fyorl soul-scape.com
Adds a customisable javascript file containing the Mootools framework to Vanilla for use by extensions.
Multi File Upload 1.1 Maurice (Jazzman) Krijtenberg www.krijtenberg.nl
Add multiple attachments at once to your comment (requires Attachmens 2 extension!)
New Applicants 1.3 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/addons
Places notification above discussion list for users with sufficient priviledges that there are new applicants seeking membership approval.
Nuggets 1.1.5 MySchizoBuddy lussumo.com/addons
Allows administrators to create/edit/delete role and page specific blocks of code called "Nuggets" For eg Ads/Banners or meta tags, widgets, pretty much anything.
Offline 1.4 MightyMango (Based on Mary by squirrel) lussumo.com/addons
Close the forum for maintainance
Page Manager 2.5.3 SirNotAppearingOnThisForum lussumo.com/addons
Allows administrators to create/edit/delete and arrange the order of tabs and pages, in addition to assigning which roles can view them.
Panel Lists 1.2 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
Allows users to display various discussion lists in the control panel. Only compatible with Vanilla >= 0.9.3
Preview Post 2.5.2 SirNotAppearingOnThisForum lussumo.com/addons
Allows users to view a preview of what their post will look like.
Private Accounts 1.0 Mark O'Sullivan lussumo.com/docs
Blocks unauthenticated users from browsing user accounts on a public forum.
Quick Whisper 1.0 Adam Atlas lussumo.com/addons
Adds a link to each comment which adds the commenter's username to the "whisper to" box in the new comment form.
RelNoFollow 1.3 Jeremy "Jeremy2" Nicoll www.seemysites.net/vanilla_mods/RefNoFollow.zip
Adds rel="nofollow" to all links in posts according to permission level.
Role List Fix 1.1 Fyorl www.soul-scape.com
Fixes role changing to account for priorities. Assumes the 'administrator' role is the one with the highest priority.
STOP CAPS ABUSE 1.0 ithcy null
Checks the comments box for ALL CAPS abuse. If the caps-to-lowercase-letters ratio in the comment exceeds a set threshold, the user is presented with an alert box forcing him or her to correct the comment or have it automatically converted to lowercase.
Show Participants 0.4 miquel lussumo.com/addons
This extension shows in the discussion-page's Panel all users that have participated. Also allows to add a "Show All" link redirecting to an extension page which shows the entire list of participants.
SoftWrap v5 Luke Scammell aka [-Stash-] lussumo.com/addons/?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=243
Enables soft line wrapping of CODE and PRE.
System Message 1.7 Fyorl soul-scape.com
Allows you to give important messages to certain roles or users
Textile 2.0 Textile by Dean Allen & Alex Shiels, Add-on by jakob_r lussumo.com/addons
Extends the basic text formatter that comes with Vanilla, allowing one to use Textile syntax in discussions and comments. Updated for Textile v2.0.0.
User Info 2.1 Fyorl soul-scape.com
Shows text bubbles containing useful information about a user when you hover over their username in a discussion. [THIS IS A MUST-HAVE]
User Tasks 1.2 David Donahue lussumo.com/docs
Adds useful searches and whisper to functionality to the panel in any user's profile.
kses (X)HTML 0.4 Mary Fredborg lussumo.com/addons
kses-filtered (X)HTML formatter [better than the 'html formatter' extension]
^let me know if^there are better^alternatives to any^of the ones above,^or if I'm missing a MUST-HAVE extension!
you might have to do some MySQL magic to convert all of the current html formatted comments over to kses formatted comments before you get rid of the html formatter.
All the kses formatter does is adds another formatter to the "Format comments as ..." doo-dah at the bottom of the comment box that allows (x)html in your comments. It's more secure than the popular html formatter.