Using Vanilla as a big sites forum

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So I'm workin site that uses Vanilla forum so I'm asking here some basic (?) questions: 1) How can I make a news in dirrefent page ( for example and if you are not signed in in forum ( ), you can not read it? Or just simple text: If you are signed in to the forum, you can see some text that are in external page, and if you are not signed in you don't? 2) Can I somehow bring the "login box" to the external page? Like (again) if you come to the index ( there would be a "login-box" and when you login to that, it would login to the forum ( . I think that's it now.. I would really appreciate if someone could help me


  • for the first point you could use PageManager + DefaultPage for the second...well i suppose the same than above and adding some kind of a log-in control inside the page
  • Hmm.. I have now both of them, but how should I do it?
  • And also, how can I search the user info that's logged in? For example if I wan't to but to the index text "Hello (user) !"
  • with page manager you can create a new page for the system, and with default page you can set it as the default page that either logged or non-logged (or both) would get when they enter the site inside a page created with page manager you can add php and vanilla code: <p>Hello <?php echo $this->Context->Session->User->Name; ?> !</p> would do what you ask ;) and so on!
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