Chocolate People

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
1. I don't know if it i just me who has a problem, but whenever i am logged in and i go to people.php, it has the login forum for me. It should show my icon, and or
account picture when i go to people.php when i am not logged in.

2. I feel that the people.php should be used more. It should have some more options, and things to do on it. Maybe the people could somehow be used to have a
separate page for each member, and there they can write a little something about themselves. kind of like a short blog, or something like that.

3. If something is done to make such an extension or modification, there should be a link to that page with the users icon, account pic, and or the little blog like thing
under the place where it says signed in as user.

4. If something is done to make such an extension or modification, there should be a link to that page with the icon, account pic, and or the other info, in the account
tab of each member.

5.There should be a link back to the main community, and a link to the members account tab, depending on which users page you were viewing.

6. guests should not see the users page.

7.when guests go to people.php, it should just be a longin, apply, and password retriever thing

This is just an idea


  • isn't most of that on the account tab? people.php's purpose is for logging in.
  • edited April 2008
    well no, not really.. it would be more like a little blog about each person. The user him/herself would write it i dunno i just thought it would be cool to have an extension for the people.php and also to use the people.php more the main thing was that it would no longer show the login form if i was logged in already
  • Wow, that title... I was way off.
  • lol what did you think it was about?
  • First thought was about the Phone.
  • there is a phone called chocolate phone? ( i just decided since this is vanilla these extensions could be called chocolate like chocolate gallery, chocolate media box, chocolate avatar gallery and chocolate people... i guess i am just kinda weird like that sorry)
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