Big / Small Input selector

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
It is possible to remove the "big / small input" selector in the posting form? I just want the input to be small and not to give the option of making it big (so, in fact, I don't need the link anymore)


  • edited April 2008
    what do you mean you don't need the link?
    what link?
  • edited April 2008
    the link at the top right of every comment that toggles between a large or small comment box.
  • oh that
    oh ok
    thanks for clarifying that
  • Safari has, by default, a control (bottom-right corner) to adjust the size of any text input field.

    Just thought I'd mention that if you're still using a Fred Flintstone browser.
  • I don't know which browser will users be using when posting comments. I doubt all of them will use Safari, but i don't want a browsers flame in the discussion, please ;) just asking if anybody knows a way of doing this (without hacking the core, of course) thanks
  • Sorry, I was just pointing something out from a user's perspective so if you disabled the big/small button, Safari users are able to bypass it.

    I seem to remember a reference to it in the CSS file, not sure if you call that "hacking the core" but I'm pretty sure it's there.

    Not in a position to look for it right now, if I remember I'll look it up later.
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