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"No, Seriously Vanilla, STOP LOGGING IP ADDRESSES!"

Hi all, a problem that I'm currently having with my forums is performance. I noticed for the past few days my forum has been ass-slow to load (other sql installations on my server? Fine. Other Vanilla installations on the same SQL host? fast). I went into the DB, and sure enough the LUM_IpHistory table is filling up again. It climbs to a dozen mb a week, and every once in a while I have to empty it like a clogged pipe or a toilet.
Empty that table, and boom my forum performance returns to Sleek and Fast.
Here's the thing: Last time I checked "Log and Monitor IP Addresses" in Application Settings was like way back in .9, maaaaybe 1.0.0. I noticed slowness way back when when that was enabled (I also used to use the extension that showed which IP users were using), so I disabled it well over a year ago. I unchecked that setting, and yet over on the DB, LUM_IpHistory keeps growing and growing. I flush it, and in a few minutes it's back into the hundreds of kilobytes.
Is there a way to get Vanilla to dump that data to null, or perhaps (maybe there's a setting or something I'm missing) change a setting so that it really doesn't log/monitor IP addresses any more? I've got a HUGE amount of traffic, and unfortunately that table and IP logging is just way too much overhead for my install to handle.
Empty that table, and boom my forum performance returns to Sleek and Fast.
Here's the thing: Last time I checked "Log and Monitor IP Addresses" in Application Settings was like way back in .9, maaaaybe 1.0.0. I noticed slowness way back when when that was enabled (I also used to use the extension that showed which IP users were using), so I disabled it well over a year ago. I unchecked that setting, and yet over on the DB, LUM_IpHistory keeps growing and growing. I flush it, and in a few minutes it's back into the hundreds of kilobytes.
Is there a way to get Vanilla to dump that data to null, or perhaps (maybe there's a setting or something I'm missing) change a setting so that it really doesn't log/monitor IP addresses any more? I've got a HUGE amount of traffic, and unfortunately that table and IP logging is just way too much overhead for my install to handle.
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Do you have who's online enabled?
Ah, yes I do!
Just tested. That was, in fact, the issue! Who's Online is a great tool for my community, though: I think I'll leave it running, and just flush that table regularly via crontab.
Thanks Wallphone!
Posted: Saturday, 5 April 2008 at 7:27AM
A table is like a wine glass. If you empty it, you still have a wine glass. If you drop it, you neither have wine nor a wine glass.
truncates it = empties the contents?
Which one do I do to speed things up and empty recover the space it's taking up?
Is there any harm in doing one or the other or both?
Posted: Saturday, 5 April 2008 at 7:58AM
I'm not interested in writing an extension, my forum has ground to a halt, the LUM_IpHistory table is over 3000 pages long (in PHPmyAdmin) and I simply want to remove the contents in PHPmyAdmin.
Do I EMPTY or DROP this table?
OH so I just saw your hidden text, empty it is, thanks.
The reason I was reluctant to EMPTY it is because the icon beside it is a trash can, the icon beside DROP is a red cross, hence my confusion.
Posted: Saturday, 5 April 2008 at 8:44AM
So, if you wanted to dump everything older than 30 minutes, you would run this SQL: