Now THIS is a forum!

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Mac only I'm afraid but this is the future of social networking, not a site but an application using all the power and elegance of the platform.


  • why would anyone use this over facebook et al? i don't get it. and, why the 900x600 jpg at the top of every page?
  • epic fail.
  • Vanilla: now THAT is a forum ;)
  • why would anyone use this over facebook et al? i don't get it.
    and, why the 900x600 jpg at the top of every page?
    I guess you have to be open-minded enough to realise the power of a superior operating system not shackled by the constraints of a web browser when it comes to the paradigm of the forum/online community.

    This example is very new and has some evolving to do but as it stands it's fast and has no CSS bugs or otherwise to worry about!
  • I don't know if you noticed but it seems that most people like to be online alot, and applications are moving onto websites(Google docs > M$ office; Gmail > Outlook), not the other way around. This seems like a back-step if you ask me. Its so you can access it from anywhere anytime; on my phone, a linux box, a vista pc, a 98 machine
  • So I guess I wasn't asking you then?

    Why does an app-based community preclude it from being used anywhere anytime and on a phone?

    The options you mentioned all have issues with compatibility and standards, just look at all the issues raised on this forum alone!
  • Mac only I'm afraid...
  • I suppose the name was a clue; ::: net4mac
    That's what's good about it in my book!

    However they could allow web access to it or devise a Windows version but why lower the standards?

    Seriously, the whole point of the exercise is to lever off the power and flexibility of OS X and build a community where all the expected features work, (chat, file sharing, discussions, groups...) work well and become secondary to the mechanics running it.

    If you didn't have a Mac would you be interested in a community called : net4mac ??
  • so how does it work anyway? you have to download it?
  • so how does it work anyway?
    you have to download it?
    Best 2 lines ever!
  • Im a Mac user and this still strikes me as a community for mac users to congratulate themselves on being mac users. We don't welcome you foolish Windows users or you idiot Linux lot! We only want to socialise with people who understand that Steve is Jesus.

    Now don't get wound up by my sarcasm, mac vs windows has far too much flaming going on daily. Surely the point of social networking is to be open to all - like in real life when you meet real people?
  • Social networking is also about people with something in common.

    Personally I wouldn't join a community crazy about yellow-bellied-sap-suckers but that doesn't mean they can't have such a club?

    My initial point was that this forum bypasses all the hassles of browser compatibility, CSS issues and other platform crap and uses the power of, in this case, Mac OSX to go straight to the business end of things working as expected, consistently and efficiently.

    A nice concept, I hope it succeeds.
  • The referenced website,, has some serious problems: The only css on the page is:

    div.overview {
    position: relative;
    top: -645 px;
    left: 80 px;
    div.image {
    position: relative;
    top: -918 px;
    left: 585 px;

    I don't think IE would have too much bother with that.

    If as much due care and attention has gone into the downloadable social networking Application, I'm sure it'll be a great success. :)
  • yes, but creating a community or online app for any other purpose cannot limit its audience to just one operating system. (I see this a lot on windows with ActiveX) But for the purpose of a mac community, I guess it could be limited to just mac users.
  • If that is the future of web-based communities, can we expect Vanilla to be a Linux (driven by a vanilla kernel) only community solution !? ;)
  • hope not, haha. I stick to my point, that the browser is the future.
  • This has been done before. It was called AOL.

    I think there are enough problems with social networking sites riffing through address books and archiving personal information that I would be very wary of allowing one to live in my computer's execution cycle.
  • Say what? Maybe as a Mac user I'm not as paranoid?

    I've met quite a few nice people already on net4mac, each one invited me to join their "group" and our interactions have been enjoyable, seamless and bug free, not to mention CSS-issue-free... oops, I mentioned it!

    As for AOL, that was a dud from the start, no comparison, eek the sad memories flood back!

    And net4mac is strictly moderated so there will be no 12-year-olds placing facebook on it!
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