Facebook Theme

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Today I've started working on a style heavily inspired by Facebook Developers and bits 'n pieces of Facebook groups. It's based on Vanilla's default style. This is what I have so far:

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

I guess it'll take me a couple of days to finish it. Hope you'll like it ;]
Oh! And it's codename is VanFacebook.


  • Nice, very simple and elegant.

    Posted: Saturday, 5 April 2008 at 2:48PM

  • very nice sorry very awesome!!
  • Most excellent!
  • edited April 2008
    A little update:



    Simple Search:

    Advanced Search:

    My intention was to make a style out of it, but not everything I wanted to do was achievable only with CSS. So this is going to be a theme. I've done only some minor changes to the default theme so there shouldn't be any problems regarding the functionality of extensions.
  • awesomeness this is soooo cooool man this is soo cool great job when do you think you will be finished with it?
  • I'm afraid it won't be until next week. I don't have much time right now :|
  • oh i see well that is still cool awesome i can't wait seriously this has got to be one of the coolest themes we have ad so far can't wait ^_^
  • Awesome! This is a great theme really showcasing Vanilla's versatility. Any chance of adding color variations as well? Does it use any proprietary fonts?
  • you could prabably edit it your self, if you wanted to add colors and stuff, cuz i think the theme is meant to be like that , (simple looking) very nice
  • Great job. Very much like Facebook's interface. Hopefully, they won't get too uptight about you basing a style of their's and come for you.
  • Hmmmm, they do say "imitation is the best form of flattery" however it won't hold up in a court of law!
  • awesome! great theme.
  • Very nice!
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    edited April 2008
    I think it looks great, and somehow far nicer than Facebook's layout, nice one!
  • Well, unless you just downloaded the images and renamed the CSS to match Vanilla's (blatant copying), I think it'll be alright... Might want to take a look at FB's copyrights though.
  • Hi.. I'm From Turkey.. I Cant Speak and write English.. Theme Download Link??? Thanks..
  • It's not up for download yet Antalya.
  • any updates?
  • Sorry, didn't really have time to work on it.
  • Stop pestering! It will be uploaded when he uploads it.
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