Using Vanilla to realize comment-feature like seen on e.g. youtube !
Hello together!
I am using vanilla and loving it ... i have something like a video site and want to give my users the option to comment the videos right while watching or downloading them (so on the site where they watch the flash).
To better know what i mean...
I try to realize exactly the same like seen here: (scroll down and check the text comments feature)
Right now the users would have to go to the vanilla, log in, create a new thread and then comment.
But i would like it as you seen above and on many many other sites.
Possible technical options:
- Vanilla
So i want to enter something like a code on every dynamicly created videosite to show up the comments.
I got the option to use unique "keywords" as value or variable for the including code so the videopage would know what comments to include exactly.
sorry for my bad english, i hope you understand what it should look and wotk like ... just watch the link above and you will know ... THATS right the thing i need ;)
Anyone can help? WOULD BE SOOO NICE!!!
Or maybe there is already an addon available who is doing that?
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Please describe a specific feature in detail that you want.
To get a similar thing happening using Vanilla, it won't be the same of course... But all you really need should be.
1. Vanilla
2. Something like JQmedia or an adapted flash player
3. Attachments (to attach your videos)
4. Maybe another extension like addcomments, which allows guest to comment on the thread and allows users to be able to sign in automatically while posting their comment.
5. you could even use one of those WYSIG or whatever the abbreviation or text editor thing extension, search around.
So all you have to do is create the discussion and attach your video, i think JQmedia should automatically recognise the link and convert that to the flash media. So subsequent comments can be added just using the quick comment system already in place by vanilla.
So yeah i don't really get the problem? If you want tag support for your video, just find or get someone to create a tag system to bind it to the individual discussion.
Uploading/attaching does not seem to be a requirement, surely you would link to the existing video file instead?
Apparently these videos already exist somewhere, he wants an automatic link to the relevant (Vanilla) comments on the existing (wherever) page and if the (Vanilla) discussion does yet exist, the ability to start one auto-magically.
Seems like a lot of work to me.