installed extension are not in the list

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello, I installed a few extensions to the vanilla-extension-folder. But they are not listed in the options. So I can't enabled them. I transferred the extensions normally by FTP and set the folder after uploading auf CHMOD 777. Have I transfere the extensions as ASCII or what else is wrong? Thank You for help me! D.


  • the extension's folder should be uploaded like this

  • Sometimes, the name of the folder containing the extension is not the same as the name in the default.php file.

    Vanilla uses the latter to display it alphabetically in the extensions list.

    This has happened to me before when I had been looking for the extension in the list alphabetically (by the folder name) but the actual name in the default.php file was different so it did not appear in the list (alphabetically) where I expected it to.

  • Thank You, but none helps: the extension's folder is correct and even no extension appears in the list; the list is really blank.
  • have you checked that your /conf/extensions.php is not empty?
  • Also worth making sure that all users have read access to your extensions folder (chmod 644)
  • Thank You all for Your help! I find the answer but it is very curious: I installed a stand-alone FTP-software and logged in: It shows me another path to my forum as the other FTP-software (included in Dreamweaver)! I transferred the extensions in this directory and now it works correct. What should I think about Dreamweaver?
  • Double check the Dreamweaver settings.
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