Updating from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Are there any directions to update from version 1.1.2 to 1.1.4, or do I have to install 1.1.3 in between? I could not find the directions for this. Thanks.


  • Should be able to do a straight shot. Good idea to make a backup though, especially if you customized any files or are using a non-default theme. Nothing changed in the database structure so it's not necessary to backup, but would be a good time to do one.
  • Thanks for asking the question abcpeanuts, I need to do the same update but I'm reluctant because if something breaks I don't have the time to fix it.

    Do let us know how it goes? image
  • You go first :) I feel the same way.
  • No, no after you, I insist! image
  • Wallphone or anyone else....should I just follow the directions for 1.1.3 to 1.1.4? I don't want to mess up.
  • I'd combine the instructions for both 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 as found here: http://lussumo.com/docs/doku.php?id=vanilla:upgrading
  • Thanks. This seems a bit confusing. So, just follow the directions for upgrades to 1.1.3 first, then the upgrades to 1.1.4? Seems like a lot of work!
  • Wanderer, just updated. No apparent problems. I just followed the 1.1.3 to 1.1.4, and it worked. The forum is actually going a little faster now. Hope it works for you.
  • Thanks mate, you are a pioneering legend!

    Now I need to check my list of core hacks!
  • LOL, thanks.

    Did you ever update?
  • Not yet, I have some time coming up in a week or so, I like to be uninterrupted and have an open-ended time span which actually means my wife needs to be out of state!
  • Ha Ha! Too funny.
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