Vanilla - No Setting tabs visible after installation

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I installed Vanilla. The installation went smooth. But when I log as administrator I have only three options in all the screen: Discussions, Categories and Search, nothing else. Vanilla also shows in the top right corner "Sing In"??? Do you what the problem is? My development machine is a WAMP platform.


  • Sorry, typo :( The question was: Do you know what the problem is?
  • Looks to me like you are not signed in.

    If you were signed in it would say "Sing out"!    :-)
  • sounds like a cookie domain problem. Re-install it, and this time get your cookie settings right. Then it will in fact say "Sing Out" (I'm gonna change it in my dictionary definitions to fool with my peeps)
  • Sorry for the late answer, I've been away. I still having the same problem. I reinstall Vanilla and checked the cookie domain. My installation is in a development PC, I refer to the server as "localhost". Is it correct to write "localhost" as the cookie domain?
  • I also work in a local PC, with LAMP, and I've got both cookie domain and cookie path blank I don't know if it's correct...but it works :P
  • I tried to leave in blank the cookie path. It didn't work. I'm using Vanilla in a WAMP configuration. I might try in the actual sever (it is a LAMP)
  • It work fine in a Lamp environment! I might stuf something in my Wamp. Thanks anyway
  • Make sure to set COOKIE_DOMAIN in your settings.php file to reflect the domain Vanilla is installed on. If Vanilla is not installed at the root of this domain (/forums for instance) set COOKIE_PATH accordingly.

    Once you've set these properly, click the "sign in" link and sign in. If it works, you're done; if not, then check the browser cookies and see if your site is even sending the browser the cookies.
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