forum width

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
what do i edit in the vanilla.css to make the entire forum length shortened?


  • Discussion topic says "width" your question refers to shortened "length"?
  • i guess that is what it would be

    i want to make it less wide

    i want to squeeze it and compress it

    am i not using the right words?
  • Well mate...
    Width = left to right
    Height = top to bottom

    At least that's how we do it down-under.
  • that's how we do it up-above too.
  • @wanderer i wanted to know left to right - width can we not modify that?
  • there are a few themes that accomplish this.
  • try with css: - add "width: 80%;" inside the body definition - change "position: absolute" to "position: relative" in the Session definition and it looks like a bit different ;)
  • oh ok thank you miquel i will try that
  • edited April 2008
    it kinda worked
    but not really
    it moved everything to the right
    how would i center it

    i would like the bg image to still be there,
    right now it just makes it white

    any ideas?

    body { margin:0px; padding:0px; background:#fff url('bg.gif') center repeat-y; overflow-x: hidden; } body, div, table, td { font-family:'Trebuchet MS', 'Verdana', 'Tahoma', 'Arial', sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#333; } #Body { margin: 0 auto; width: 745px; padding:0px; }

    that is what i put and now it actually works centered, wonderful, except the background is still white with no image


    ok i got it to work

    i had another css file from a nuggets application,
    it was interfering with the code
    so now it works

    i am messing around with vanilla css
    it is really cool
    i dunno
    i might make a style

    that way i can contribute somethings to this site
  • Hamed well done, hehe, that's great!
  • thank you yeah i think i am gonna make a style maybe something blue or green
  • ok i get everything to work pretty good except in the settings page>extensions

    you know how there are little boxes, and if you want them enabled you check them
    their width is messed up
    what do i edit in the vanilla.css to edit that?
    thank you
  • i think is this: .Account { margin:0px !important; width:450px; } in vanilla.css (line 1019 in the default style) but if you have Nuggets enabled, then is overwritten by its own css --> nugget.css (line 1)
  • oh really?
    that might be it
This discussion has been closed.