Does anyone here work for microsoft?

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
And if so can you send me the server2k3 evaluation? I've tried applying for it but i'm not getting any of the automated emails. :(


  • bittorrent?
  • isnt that illegal?
  • only if you get caught.
  • I work for Microsoft, and could send it to you in a few minutes... if my job wasn't Intellectual Property Containment Officer. I've asked Mark for your I.P. address and you should be getting a summons in the mail soon. There are exactly the kind of leaks we've been working against.
  • run mini! run!
  • i wouldnt be too bothered, the ip mark will have for me is shared by about 10000 other people. He'd be more productive tracing my email address to my parents company and taking it from there. In any case i havent done anything wrong :P
  • Vanilla Staff
    Ask others for free, trial sofware? NO WAY! You go directly to jail. You do not pass go. You do not collect $200.
  • I can imagine the convo now... "what are you in for?" ... "I downloaded a beta..."
  • Vanilla Staff
  • ✭✭
    edited August 2005
    ahhhemmm - -mmmm.
  • what was that 3stripe? do you have a cold?
  • edited August 2005

    I can imagine the convo now...
    "what are you in for?" ... "I downloaded a beta..."

    LOL... we know which fish is going to be the catcher.

  • Haha, yea I suppose I could have been a lot more convincing.
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