United States Presidential Elections - Who would you vote for and why?

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So, how about a non-support discussion? And this is not just for the US Vanilla users. I'm curious what the rest of the world thinks about our election. We are down to 2 Democrats (Clinton and Obama) and 1 Republican (McCain). I live in Pennsylvania and our primary is on April 22nd. I certainly look forward to voicing my opinion at the polls.

I would never vote for McCain. Why? Because he is just another Bush. Same attitude, a xerox copy perhaps.

I've flip-flopped with Clinton and Obama over the last several weeks. Right now, I'm leaning towards Obama. He does seem to have the same charisma that John F. Kennedy had in the 1960's. Can he get anything done that he states? Who knows? I think all presidential candidates have this delusion that they can get things done. And then they get into office and can't. However, In Obama's case I think he is a person strong on his convictions.

So what do you all think?

A photo of Hillary with the boys. Some would say they would vote for her because of this photo. Would you?


  • I have to agree and disagree with you on not voting for McCain i think he might be worse that bush.. if i could vote (not old enough) I would probably vote for obama, b/c i think he seems more honest but from what i know i liked Ron Paul the best, but i guess he is out i think i would rather have another women for president than hillery, a women president is good, but not her i dunno, i don't think she wound be a good president, but it is just my opinion, so don't kill me if you disagree with me
  • Fred Thompson! : ) We have no one else to vote for at this point. I'm not sure how I will vote. They all pretty much suck.
  • I've barely followed any of the news or whatever but as a virtual vote I think i'd stick one in for Hilary. At the end of the day most politicians seem to be useless liars so at least it would provide some change having a female useless liar than a male one...
  • hah... nice
  • I think McCain would be a lesser degree of a 'second Bush' than Clinton being... a second Clinton. I was gunning for McCain eight years ago, but the state of the nation isn't what it was eight years ago. Obama will probably win, but I'm still voting for Ron Paul. (according to his campaign page, he is still in the running.) I just wish Paul supported Net Neutrality.
  • There's no such thing as a "net neutral" presidential candidate. There's too much money behind being non-"net neutral". Similar with the Bush elections... the biggest donator to his election was a credit card company. (speaking of nat'l debt...)
  • I would vote for Kucinich, he would be a kick ass president

    ...but seeing as the media effectively bumped him out I guess I'd settle for Obama
  • TomTesterTomTester New
    edited April 2008
    [...] removed comment, never write about my political inclinations, not sure what made me do it this time, perhaps 4 beers.
  • @SirNot, as a resident of the Cleveland area - Kucinich by far is one of the WORST candidates to ever put your trust into. He has helped destroy this area. I can't even imagine how much damage he could do if he was running the entire country. How he remains elected here, i have no idea.
  • With American politics nowadays, it can be that bad.
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