Can't get all extenstions working

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello all, new here & a newbie, so please be kind. I've just had my webmaster get my forum setup. He has installed several extensions and we have 3 that are not working. CategoryRoles I do not see anything change. I understand that his should give me option to allow only certain members to start a Discussion in a Category. Should I see something different in the Category configuration when this extension is enabled? Quotations When this is enabled, I see the "quote" option on the posts, but when I click it I get "<blockquote><cite>Posted By: </blockquote>" in the text of my post. Should I not be seeing some kind of box or highlight? Does this need to work in conjunction with an HTML editor? Signatures When enabled, it provides a field in the user's account for the signature, but nothing is displayed in the user's posts. Any suggestions are welcomed


  • CategoryRoles also has a few files that need to be put in the themes folder. See it's readme.
  • Thanks, I'll be sure that my webmaster reviews that. Cheers
  • Signatures requires a change to a theme file, also in its readme. Not sure of the quotations issue, probably related to the javascript with it.
  • re: quotations, are you highlighting text to be quoted before clicking 'quote'?
  • Hi I'll be sure he reads the readme. "Highlighting text", never thought of that! Is that how it works. I tried that, it makes no difference. Thanks for the feedback.
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