reorder the stickies

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have a number of sticky posts in my forum, but they have an order of importance in which they should be read. How can I re-arrange the order of my sticky posts?
Thanks guys.


  • Right now, that can't be done. I requested an addon to do that here.
  • That is strange. I would think that having a way to order posts and stickies would be a very basic feature that many would want. - well I got my php book in the mail yesterday so give me a couple years...
  • edited April 2008
    lol, yea...

    try making all of them sticky, then restickyfy them in a specific order and see what happens
  • edited April 2008
    I could be totally wrong but I think the order of stickies is dependent on when they were "Last Active".

    So you have some options (if the above is true):
    • Post a comment in each thread in reverse order (post first in the one you want at the bottom)
    • If you know MySQL, you can manually change the dates in the DateLastActive column in the LUM_Discussion table.
    Either way you'll want to make sure the threads are closed to prevent the order from being changed.
  • Wow. An add-on sure would be appreciated.
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