Problem with my Vanilla Forum
Please i installed vanilla at and when i click on sign in at the top right corner, it gives a login form just as one we use here, But when i login with this info on my installed vanilla the username = biggodwin , password= christ.
It logs in cool and shows this:
You are signed in
Click here to continue to the discussions
Click here to continue to the categories
Review new membership applicants (2 new)
When I now choose the Options, it still takes me to the forum where i find no discussions, topics, and infact i cant get how i'll login to be an Administrator so i can see the Cpanel, and add Discussions, Topics, and make everything i can administer as an administrator.
Even when people apply for membership, it works well but tells them that they will be contacted by the Administrator via mail and when i click on "Review new membership applicants" it still takes me to the normal general forum.
Kindly help me, you can login with the details i gave above.
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