New to Vanilla - Installing

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am trying to install Vanilla on my webpage - and has followed the steps in the instruction. But when I reach "Click here to install a completely brand new version of Vanilla" - When I do that, I get this: - What is wrong ?? <?php // REPORT ALL ERRORS error_reporting(E_ALL); // DO NOT ALLOW PHP_SESS_ID TO BE PASSED IN THE QUERYSTRING ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); // Track errors so explicit error messages can be reported should errors be encountered ini_set('track_errors', 1); // Define constant for magic_quotes define('MAGIC_QUOTES_ON', get_magic_quotes_gpc()); // INCLUDE NECESSARY CLASSES & FUNCTIONS include('../library/Framework/Framework.Functions.php'); include('../library/Framework/Framework.Class.Select.php'); include('../library/Framework/Framework.Class.SqlBuilder.php'); include('../library/Framework/Framework.Class.MessageCollector.php'); include('../library/Framework/Framework.Class.ErrorManager.php'); include('../library/Framework/Framework.Class.ConfigurationManager.php'); // Include database structure include('../appg/database.php'); // Set application name and version include('../appg/version.php'); // Set up some configuration defaults to override $Configuration['DATABASE_HOST'] = ''; $Configuration['DATABASE_NAME'] = ''; $Configuration['DATABASE_USER'] = ''; $Configuration['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] = ''; $Configuration['DATABASE_CHARACTER_ENCODING'] = ''; $Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'] = ''; $Configuration['DATABASE_PATH'] = ''; $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] = ''; $Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH'] = ''; $Configuration['LANGUAGES_PATH'] = ''; $Configuration['THEME_PATH'] = ''; $Configuration['BASE_URL'] = ''; $Configuration['DEFAULT_STYLE'] = ''; $Configuration['WEB_ROOT'] = ''; $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = '-'; $Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'] = '-'; $Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL'] = ''; $Configuration['SUPPORT_NAME'] = ''; $Configuration['FORWARD_VALIDATED_USER_URL'] = ''; $Configuration['CHARSET'] = 'utf-8'; $Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX'] = 'LUM_'; $Configuration['APPLICATION_TITLE'] = ''; $Configuration['BANNER_TITLE'] = ''; $Configuration['SETUP_COMPLETE'] = '0'; $Configuration['SETUP_TEST'] = '0'; class FauxContext { var $WarningCollector; var $ErrorManager; var $SqlCollector; var $Configuration; var $Dictionary; var $DatabaseTables; var $DatabaseColumns; var $Session; function GetDefinition($Code) { if (array_key_exists($Code, $this->Dictionary)) { return $this->Dictionary[$Code]; } else { return $Code; } and allot more - Really hope you can explain what I need to do to fix it ??


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